Shipping Info
Shipping within the USA is FREE
Shipping World Wide $9.99
- Shipping is restricted to the payment method's "Billing Address". A different "shipping address" can be submitted for approval by contacting us at:
- Shipping throughout the United States is quick and convenient via USPS.
- Unfortunately international shipping has a higher risk of problems. We are happy to ship USPS "First Class International" worldwide but the customer must assess and accept the risk of lost or delayed packages.
- Internation delivery averages 7 to 21 days depending on the delivery destination.
- International customers should also be aware of the VAT import costs that may be added to international postage by their country, VAT rates vary by country from 0% to more than 25% see
- Numerous countries have developed international shipping standards and joined EDELCON.
- Packages shipped to participating members of EDELCON include a tracking number.
- Countries that do not participate in EDELCON may have a high risk of lost or failed delivery.
- EDELCON membership is not a guarantee against loss or extended delays in your country due to customs or other issues.
- EDELCON membership can be updated at anytime.
- The most current list of members can be found here:
- The following list is an example of membership status (ON= current member):
- The most current list of members can be found here: