Privacy Policy
D L Church Designs does not collect, store or share customer information.
Obviously we collect shipping information for the purpose of fulfilling orders, including names and e-mail address for the purpose of personal communication.
We do not have access to customer payment information as purchasing transactions are handled by PayPal.
Our website uses cookies for the purpose of the following browser functions:
- Holding data between page loads, such as shopping basket content.
- Recall how far the user has scrolled in order to display return pages.
- Recall if the products should be displayed as a list or grid.
- Retain cookie acceptance to prevent the cookie message during subsequent page loads.
Cookies can be accepted, deleted, or used by your browser in different ways depending on your browser (Microsoft, Google, Foxfire...) Your browser can use cookies for example to target advertising. For example, if you browse music related websites you are more likely to see music related advertising. Otherwise, you would see random advertising of products that may or may not interest you. If you don't like cookies most browsers have an option for denial.